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OG19新题   题数:21
【OG20-P785-759题】According to some critics, watching television not only undermines one’s ability to think critically but also impairs one's overall ability to perceive.
【OG20-P788-772题】Heating oil and natural gas futures rose sharply yesterday, as long-term forecasts for much colder temperatures in key heating regions raised fears of insufficient supplies capable of meeting the demand this winter.
【OG20-P790-784题】Thomas Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus offers an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, Will, and passion together in any art form, but also a skillfully navigated exploration of the major concerns of modernism .
【OG20-P785-762题】In a speech before the Senate Banking Committee, the chairman of the Federal Reserve painted an optimistic picture of the economy, suggesting to investors the central bank in the near future is not lowering interest rates.
【OG20-P787-769题】Travelers from Earth to Mars would have to endure low levels of gravity for long periods of time, avoiding large doses of radiation, plus contending with the chemically reactive Martian soil, and perhaps even ward off contamination by Martian life-forms.
【OG20-P788-773题】Because it regarded the environmentalists as members of an out-of-state organization, the city council voted that they are denied permission for participating in the parade
【OG20-P794-806题】Over the past ten years cultivated sunflowers have become a major commercial crop, second only to soybeans as a source of vegetable oil.
【OG20-P799-833题】The Eastern State Penitentiary was established in 1822 by reformers advocating that prisoners be held in solitary confinement and hard labor so as to reform them .
【OG20-P794-808题】In the 1940s popular magazines in the United States began to report on the private lives of persons from the entertainment industry, In despite of the fact that they previously had featured individuals in business and politics.
【OG20-P798-826题】When viewed from the window of a speeding train, the speed with which nearby objects move seems faster than that of more distant objects.









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