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OG2022   题数:237
What is the total number of coins that Bert and Claire have?(1) Bert has 50 percent more coins than Claire.(2) The total number of coins that Bert and Claire have is between 21 and 28.
Which of the positive numbers x or y is greater?1. y = 2x2. 2x + 5y = 12
For a basic monthly fee of F yen (¥F), Naoko’s first cell phone plan allowed him to use a maximum of 420 minutes on calls during the month. Then, for each of x additional minutes he used on calls, he was charged ¥M, making his total charge for the month ¥T, where T = F + xM. What is the value of F ? 1. Naoko used 450 minutes on calls the first month and the total charge for the month was¥13,755.2. Naoko used 400 minutes on calls the second month and the total charge for the month was ¥13,125.
If a school district paid a total of $35 per desk for x desks and a total of $30 per table fory tables, what was the total amount that the district paid for these desks and tables?1. The total amount the district paid for the y tables was $900.2. x = 90, and the total amount the district paid for the x desks was 3.5 times the total amount the district paid for the y tables.
Three children inherited a total of X dollars. If the oldest child inherited $7,000 more than the youngest child, and the youngest child inherited $9,000 less than the middle child, what is the value of X ?1. The middle child inherited $27,000.2. The youngest child and the middle child together inherited a total of $45,000.
If xyz ≠ 0, what is the value of ? 1. y2 = x42. x = 2 and y = 4
Is the sum of the prices of the 3 books that Shana bought less than $48 ?1. The price of the most expensive of the 3 books that Shana bought is less than $17.2. The price of the least expensive of the 3 books that Shana bought is exactly $3 less than the price of the second most expensive book.
If r and t are three-digit positive integers, is r greater than t ?1. The tens digit of r is greater than each of the three digits of t.2. The tens digit of r is less than either of the other two digits of r.
Is the product of two positive integers x and y divisible by the sum of x and y ?1. x = y2. x = 2
If a and b are constants, is the expression defined for x = –2 ? 1. a = 52. b = 6









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